At the time the survey was taken, most respondents had achieved and maintained abstinence over long periods of time and were employed full-time. Two-thirds had used both treatment and self-help groups to recover, particularly those with more severe (longer) substance use histories. Most were still actively affiliated with 12-step fellowships, as evidenced not only by regular attendance but other critical activities as well (e.g., sponsoring).

This study does not perform the isolation of single factors aiding recovery, e.g., that of therapy versus that of medication or social support. In this study, time-limited, short-term treatment seems ineffective for long-term social recovery. In fact, our findings illustrate that even in a SUD sample with good prognosis, recovery is dependent on intense, long-term, and individually tailored support.

Community Recovery Management Toolkit

(stigma alert) A slang term used to reference withdrawal symptoms from opioids, such as heroin. It is preferable to use more accurate terminology such as suffering from withdrawal. The nickname for the basic foundational text of the mutual-help organization, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). It outlines the 12 steps that are at the core of the Alcoholics Anonymous program, as well as containing personal stories of alcohol addiction and recovery. The field of health care concerned with substance use and other mental health disorders.

long-term recovery

JB, MV, CM, TSS, AE, JM, and SN contributed to concept development and interviews, performed analyses, and wrote the first draft. All authors were involved in study design, provided scientific oversight throughout the project, detailed comments on the paper across several drafts, and edited the paper. He oversees the people, processes, and technologies of the whole organization to ensure the business is running smoothly.

Recovery and Peer Support Technical Assistance Centers

In summation, these changes present an excellent opportunity for our organization to develop our mission, vision, and purpose. I look forward to prosperous growth as we head in a new and positive direction. ” This new name will give us national uniformity and help brand ourselves as a whole, which will be done in phases. You will still see our existing facility names co-branded with TruHealing for the time being. The study also makes it even more clear how important it is to continue to do the work in recovery.

As we continue to grow Amatus Health, the need to stay competitive and differentiate ourselves in unique ways is crucial. Building creative approaches to reach more people will take our company to new heights. This is why I am pleased to announce that we are officially rebranding. Our new national name, TruHealing Addiction & Mental Health Treatment, will eventually replace Amatus Recovery Centers. The Federal Plan for ELTRR lays out a government-wide approach to improve well-being and long-term resilience.