How to buy bored ape yacht club

It’s gained viral popularity on Twitter, and mainstream media due to celebrity adoption, community impact, and the astonishing floor price. The BAYC launch was on April 30, 2021, and all 10,000 apes were minted within 12 hours. Developed by Yuga Labs, the Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 profile pictures minted as NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. An NFT, or non-fungible token, acts like a deed of ownership for a digital item, allowing buyers to prove that they own the one-and-only version of that image. In this case, buyers own an illustration of a disinterested-looking ape with randomly-generated traits and accessories.

These savvy investors trade information within locked Discord groups, providing valuable (sometimes insanely valuable) tips to one another. The short answer is that they’re status symbols, and like all status symbols their value comes from perception and branding rather than utility. Just like a CEO may try to communicate business acumen with a Rolex or a luxury suit, people who trade NFTs display their success with a Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT. Their argument is that NFTs are better status symbols than real-world items, since when used as profile pictures they can be seen by millions of people on Twitter and Instagram.

Who Is Behind The Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Collection?

As the global Covid-19 pandemic drove accelerated digital adoption, NFTs became assets to showcase socioeconomic status. BAYC holders have actively been showcasing their NFTs as profile pictures on social media. The Bored Ape project was developed by the four pseudonymous co-founders of Yuga Labs — Gargamel, Gordon Goner, Emperor Tomato Ketchup and No Sass.

How to buy bored ape yacht club

Think of NFTs as the asset’s digital fingerprint, where each is unique and only assigned to one specific asset. BAYC is the biggest NFT project of this kind, recently eclipsing CryptoPunks, which is credited as the first “pfp” (profile picture) collections. Other notable sets include CyberKongz, Doodles and Cool Cats.

Bored Ape Yacht Club: Characteristics & Rarity

These NFTs have a unique identity, and anyone can create these NFTs with little knowledge and skill. NFTs are more like cryptographic tokens, the only difference being that they cannot be interchanged mutually. All 10,000 assets were randomly generated from more than 170 unique traits. These traits include colored teeth, hats, eye patches, and other accessories. They even come with unique fur colors (blue, brown, gray, trippy, solid gold, etc). Ape owners also seem to hang out together on social media, using their NFTs as their profile pictures or chatting with one another.

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Valkyrie Refiles for Spot Bitcoin ETF; Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT ….

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Ape Coin will be the primary currency in Otherside, the metaverse Yuga Labs is building. But “community value” also extends to financial self interest. The higher the floor price on a collection, the more crypto-rich traders you can expect to be holders.

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Yuga Labs, the company behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club was founded by two friends, Greg Solano and Wylie Aronow. They then onboarded two software engineers, Kerem and Zeshan, to help them create the NFT collection. The 4 co-founders are now running the show, along with manager Guy Oseary. In June 2021, Yuga Labs announced its first reward to BAYC holders. Anyone who owned a Bored Ape at that time was airdropped (or sent) a companion dog from the Bored Ape Kennel Club (BAKC), a new collection of 10,000 NFTs.

How to buy bored ape yacht club

So, what is the floor price or base price for a Bored Ape NFT? You can grab a Bored Ape with common features at a price of 94 Ether. In September Adidas purchased BAYC #8774 for 46 ETH, or US$156,000. In December Adidas announced its metaverse ambitions in partnership with NFT collections BAYC, Punks Comic, and NFT collector Gmoney.

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The people who own the Bored Ape Yacht Club can access a private online club and can be a part of exclusive events. These people also have an intellectual property right over these images. When selling NFTs, their value is primarily based on their popularity. It sounds even more laughable when you remember that benefits like these have literally cost people hundreds of thousands of dollars. While prices have risen dramatically in the past several months, they could crash at any moment.

Jimmy Fallon and Paris Hilton are also BAYC holders, discussing their Apes in a (cringey) Tonight Show segment. Justin Bieber made headlines with his purchase of a $1.29 million Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT in February. Finally, and maybe most importantly, a collection’s community.

Also, via the aforementioned partnership with BAYC, Adidas plans to cast a 3D Bored Ape character in its upcoming metaverse game. The goal is to foster 3D interaction among internet users through collectibles. They appeared under these pseudonyms in the early days of the launch. All these events found a place in Rolling Stone magazine, which in turn contributed to increasing the fame of these NFTs.

More such deals are on the horizon; in October 2021, Bored creators Yuga Labs signed with veteran music manager Guy Oseary to expand the brand into other entertainment formats. A month later, Universal Music Group formed Kingship, a Gorillaz-inspired “virtual band” made up of Bored Apes. CryptoPunks are the OG Ethereum NFTs, having been created back in 2017—well before anyone outside of crypto die-hards knew or cared about provably scarce digital collectibles. But among the more recent crop of projects inspired by CryptoPunks, there’s none larger than Bored Ape Yacht Club. Out in the physical world, the Bored Apes are integrating themselves into fashion. Adidas launched its first NFT project, Into The Metaverse, in collaboration with several NFT brands, Bored Ape Yacht Club chief among them.

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Above everything else, the Bored Ape NFT collection has turned into a symbol of status. Celebrities and people interested in the crypto space and NFTs use Bored Ape NFT as Twitter profile pics and on Discord and many other platforms. The craze around crypto-related solutions has doubled up considerably, especially during the course of a global pandemic. NFTs are a unique category of crypto assets, which have emerged with new paradigms on digital asset provenance. Non-fungible tokens are unique assets that you can collect and trade or flaunt on social media. Back in 2017, the first popular NFTs emerged in the form of CryptoPunks.

Collaborations between Adidas and BAYC on both virtual and physical clothing are coming soon. Metaverses are big, virtual spaces shared by hundreds or thousands of people at a time. They’ve existed for a long time, think Second Life or even Fortnite. Blockchain-integrated metaverses are different only in the sense that the land, building and items within the world are owned by users as NFTs. Yuga Labs has already sold land for the metaverse, making over $300 million in just a few hours of sales. Eminem is the latest celebrity to flaunt a Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT as a social media profile picture.

What makes Bored Ape Yacht Club unique?

On the contrary, the Bored Ape Yacht Club is an NFT collection or project with a limited collection of NFTs. The unique traits of the Bored Ape NFTs help in determining their value while establishing a clear ‘floor price’ for entry into the project. For example, the Bored Ape Kennel Club allows Bored Ape NFT owners the facility for adopting a dog NFT featuring traits like their corresponding Bored Apes. The BAYC NFT collection also launched another freebie for members in August 2021 with digital mutant serum vials.

Unsurprisingly, the spoils up for grabs consisted of both Ape and mutant-themed items like a Mutant Ape Beer Stein or the coveted first prize, a BAYC Pinball Machine. Yuga Labs announced that the MAYC is the ‘final tier’ of membership for Bored Ape NFT holders. Going forward, the developers announced their intent to focus on adding more digital benefits and physical events for the BAYC/MAYC community. Using a mutation serum resulted in a new and unique Mutant Ape NFT being minted, meaning the original Bored Ape remained in its original state. First, you’ll need to make sure your wallet has enough ETH to pay for the NFT itself, plus gas fees.

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There are only 10,000 BAYC NFTs available, which might sound a lot. However, when you consider how much demand there is for these NFTs, it’s actually quite a small amount. A Sotheby’s auction in September 2021 sold a lot of 101 Bored Ape NFTs for nearly $24.4 million, beating the top-end estimate of $18 million. The actual art was created by freelance artist Seneca, who’s not part of Yuga Labs. All four went exclusively by their pseudonyms until February, when BuzzFeed reported the identities of Gordon Goner and Gargamel. Gargamel is Greg Solano, a writer and book critic, and Gordon Goner is 35-year-old Wylie Aronow.

How to buy bored ape yacht club

The pseudonymous Bored Ape Yacht Club creator team sold all the 10,000 Bored Ape NFTs within 12 hours at an average cost of 0.08 Ether, equating to almost $190. Today, you can purchase a common Bored Ape NFT at around 94 Ether or $288,000, thereby implying a formidable growth in value. The Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT serves as a deed of ownership for the digital profile picture of an ape. NFTs can help buyers in proving that they have sole ownership of the image. Interestingly, the success of Bored Ape NFTs has been responsible for driving the introduction of many NFT profile pic collections.